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Improve Productivity and Accessibility with Award-winning Human-Centered Design

Enhance your workflow with integrated intelligence.

ZEISS XRM researchers studied users in real time to understand their habits, biases, challenges, and workflows, resulting in an automated, sample-tailored guidance and control system. Combining with our advanced reconstruction capability makes every user successful.

ZEN navx Guidance and Control System: Even the newest user can be immediately productive with effortless data acquisition and streamlined workflows, greatly reducing the burden of training. Your most experienced users can unlock the system and explore the full versatility of VersaXRM 730.
ZEISS DeepRecon Pro: The Advanced Reconstruction Toolbox (ART) module takes every user’s results from good to great, improving image quality or increasing throughput. 

Learn more here.

Carl Zeiss AB
Tegeluddsvägen 76
102 54 Stockholm
Stockholms stad
VAT nummer: SE5560353608

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