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Optimize Your Visibility

ZEISS presents our newest VersaXRM® 730 3D X-ray microscope.

Resolution performance is about more than just the highest specified resolution. It is usable resolution, where it counts, for the widest range of sample types. See more features than ever possible.

- 40x-Prime Objective: Push the limits of submicron imaging with 450 nm spatial resolution, and 500 nm resolution across the full range of source voltage, from 30 kV to 160 kV.
- Integrated Intelligence: Gain deeper insights from your measurements with practical AI capabilities to improve image quality, expand your field of view, and extend your results.

Get more information here.

Carl Zeiss AB
Tegeluddsvägen 76
102 54 Stockholm
Stockholms stad
VAT nummer: SE5560353608

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