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High-performance Slide Scanner for Fluorescence, Brightfield and Polarization

ZEISS Axioscan 7.

Digitize your specimens with Axioscan 7 – the reliable, reproducible way to create high-quality virtual microscope slides. Axioscan 7 combines qualities that you would not expect to get in a slide scanner: high speed digitization and outstanding image quality plus an unrivaled variety of imaging modes are all available in a fully automated and easy to operate system.

- Fast automated scanning of up to 100 slides in a single run
- Robust scan performance for continuous 24/7 operation
- Easy-to-create scan profiles with intuitive wizards
- Rapid switching among fluorescence, brightfield, and polarization
- Sophisticated filter concept for demanding fluorescence imaging

Learn more here.

Carl Zeiss AB
Tegeluddsvägen 76
102 54 Stockholm
Stockholms stad
VAT nummer: SE5560353608

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