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Conference recordings now available

Don't miss out on insights from leading experts.

The recordings from the event ZEISS QUALITY INNOVATION SUMMIT in Berlin are now available for you to explore. This is your chance to gain valuable insights and enhance your understanding of the latest trends in manufacturing.

Prepare to be inspired by visionary leaders like Fangqin Zeng from Lingyi iTech and Zhe Shi from Foxconn Technology Group. They will share their invaluable perspectives on the future of AI and digitalization across various industries. Additionally, industry experts such as Dr. Achim Schwan from Volkswagen AG, Roland Ziltener from Starrag AG, and Jorgen Holm from SIEMENS Energy AB will dive into the latest cutting-edge innovations and emerging trends that are shaping our world today.

This is a unique opportunity to broaden your horizons and stay ahead in an ever-evolving landscape. Don’t miss out on these enlightening sessions that could redefine your understanding of quality and innovation! 

Watch the recordings here.

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102 54 Stockholm
Stockholms stad
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