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Improving Nano-Structured Surfaces for Implants with Scanning Electron Microscopy

Promimic, a Swedish company specializing in the development and marketing of nano-structured surfaces for implants, heavily relies on scanning electron microscopes.

Nanotechnology, a rapidly evolving field of science, is making significant strides in dental and medical applications, particularly in implantology. The integration of nano-surfaced implants is becoming increasingly common, marking a transformative change in modern implant practice.

Nano-structured implant surfaces significantly improve implant performance, the overall success of implant procedures, and cellular and tissue responses. They also ultimately benefit osseointegration – the direct structural and functional connection between living bone and the surface of a load-bearing artificial implant.

Making Implants Integrate
Promimic, a Swedish company specializing in the development and marketing of nano-structured surfaces for implants, heavily relies on scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) for its research and production processes. The ability to analyze and ensure the quality of these surfaces is critical for Promimic's mission to improve osseointegration in dental and orthopedic implants.

"Without the SEMs, we simply could not survive. The microscopes are crucial for our research and development of new surfaces and the production of surfaces for implants. We need the microscopes to analyze the surfaces to ensure quality and accuracy," said Karin Danielsson, Lab Manager and Project Manager at Promimic.

Read the full story here.

Carl Zeiss AB
Tegeluddsvägen 76
102 54 Stockholm
Stockholms stad
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