
Norwegian cancer research companies merge

The Norwegian companies Ultimovacs and Zelluna Immunotherapy plan to merge. At the same time, it is made clear that Ultimovacs' CEO is leaving the company.

Ultimovacs is developing the cancer vaccine UV1, which aims to enhance and improve the effect of immunotherapy in various forms of cancer. Zelluna is developing immunotherapies against solid tumors.

On Tuesday, it was announced that the two companies will merge, reports MedWatch Norway. At the same time, it has become clear that Ultimovacs' CEO Carlos de Sousa is leaving the company with immediate effect. The CEO of the new company will be Zelluna's current CEO Namir Hassan.

Over the past year, Ultimovac has faced setbacks with its vaccine in phase II studies where it has not met expectations, as previously reported by Life Science Sweden.

For the merger to go through, it needs to be approved at an extraordinary general meeting of Ultimovacs in January. The merged company will operate under the name Zelluna ASA.

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