
View pathology images in your iPhone

The Institute for Medical Informatics in Oslo announces a brand new iPhone application for virtual microscopy.
The Institute for Medical Informatics, Rikshospitalet, at the Oslo University Hospital, announces it has developed what it believes to be the first remote application for review of pathology images for the Apple iPhone. The application allows for a remote pathologist to review and navigate high quality images of diagnostic quality using either the cellular network or WIFI networks on the iPhone.

Using the application rapid specialist referrals can be made, without access to a computer, a microscope or the original specimen. The image can be reviewed by the pathologist and used to provide a diagnosis used in cancer and other disease treatments. The system consists of a generic high quality microscope slide scanner, of which there are several currently on the market.

A server where the images are located and the iPhone. The iPhone is used to access the large image that is stored in the server but only to retrieve relevant parts. Using the multi-touch interface that the iPhone provides, an intuitive interface is provided that allows the user to navigate and view images of interest in a similar way to that provided by Google Earth.

There are plans to put this system into immediate trials prior to consideration of its integration into our patient treatment workflow.
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