
Hey Klementina Österberg ...

... CEO at GU Holding, which awards SEK 120, 000 to three female entrepreneurs.
Why do you have this award?

We want to highlight people and especially women, who have a dream of improving our society in different ways.

The prize money is SEK 120, 000 for the three to share - how long does the money last for an entrepreneur?

There is usually no company formed when working with an idea, so the prize money can go to the activities that preceded a decision on further development, namely, a search and patentability of an invention, a market analysist or a demo or prototype.

Why do these three people receive the prize this year?

Their ideas and inventions was the most innovative and had the biggest impact with an improved offer on a particular market.

The prize for the design contest goes to Afrouz Behboudi, Marcia Grimes and Kerstin Broo at Gothenborg University. Their innovations are in the areas of cure for cancer of the uterus, preventing allergies and a product of food production.
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