"An open mind is the key to successful meetings"
Meeting in person is irreplaceble when it comes to finding a new partner. Johan Ohlsson at Venture Valuation is happy with his meetings at Biotech Forum so far and encourages Scandinavian companies to put themselves in the spotlight.
“I sent meeting invitations to 21 companies and ended up with 13 meetings. Two of theese have led to business for us” says Johan Ohlsson.
Moreover, a lot of his meetings have open up other possibilites than he expected.
“Sometimes you discover new interfaces that you were unaware of when you planned the meeting. And you never know which contacts will be useful to have in the future. After all, network is everything in this business” says Johan Ohlsson.
Johan Ohlsson often visits international partnering events and he would like to see more Scandinavian companies at meetings like BioEurope. Especially since the future of Biotech Forum is unclear.
“We defenetely need events like this. You have too meet in person to discover what possibilities there are for your companies to help each other”
“Scandinavians are too modest about themselves, we need to put ourself in the spotlight more often and tell the world how great we are at what we are doing. I am positive that international companies and investors want too meet the Scandinavian actors” says Johan Ohlsson.