
A world-class research village

Eight years ago, Medicon Village was set up in Lund. Since then, this hub for research, innovation and business has developed enormously, and today the life science village is home to over 150 organisations, employing more than 2,200 people.

And, for the ninth year in a row, it is time for Medicon Village to co-arrange and host the event The Future of Swedish and Danish Life Science.

“This is still an important arena for all sorts of meetings. Both scientists and business representatives attend, and their meetings can create growth long-term. An event like The Future of Swedish and Danish Life Science acts as a forum for unplanned meetings that might lead to big things in the future,” Kerstin Jakobsson, CEO Medicon Village Innovation.

The activities of Medicon Village are divided into two separate entities - Medicon Village Estate and Medicon Village Innovation. Both are wholly owned by the Mats Paulsson Foundation for Research, Innovation and Societal Development. The foundation format means that any surplus will always be ploughed back into research and innovation.

“Medicon Village as a whole is an important setting for the realisation of research ideas, enabling these to eventually evolve into commercial success stories. Life science is very important not only regionally but also on a national level, and this is a fact reflected not least by the government’s national life science strategy,” says Kerstin Jakobsson.

Securing a supply of skilled people is a prerequisite for success, and the Skåne region is at an advantage according to Kerstin Jakobsson.

“Having the right competence is an important factor for success, and here in the south of Sweden we have the great advantage of close and natural links to Denmark. That creates a larger market, making it easier to find people with the right skills. On the Danish side, there are some large life science companies, whereas the smaller companies are based in Sweden. That mix provides breadth and strength.”

Although Sweden and Denmark are close, there are of course differences. What would you say is notable about Sweden?

“In Sweden, more companies choose to become listed on the stock exchange. This is due to the presence of both Spotlight and First North, and no such stock trading markets exist in Denmark. Hence, Danish companies sometimes choose to establish themselves in Sweden. The availability of venture capital reduces as businesses develop and grow, making an initial public offering a proven and organised alternative route to raising funds.”

One topic in focus at this year’s meeting is immuno-oncology, a very suitable field for Medicon Village.

“We have a strong focus on cancer both on the research side and through several companies, and in that I include both therapies and diagnostics. Here at Medicon Village, many companies are active within immunotherapy.”

Who should attend The Future of Swedish and Danish Life Science event?

“Whether you are a scientist, investor or an entrepreneur, I think you ought to attend the event in April. It is increasingly important not to get stuck in a rut, and this event offers a real opportunity to establish contacts outside your own immediate sphere,” says Kerstin Jakobsson.

The Future of Swedish and Danish Life Science will be held at Medicon Village in Lund on April 2.

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