
Extensive agreements signed at Scilifelab

Four agreements were signed between Swedish and Dutch life science players in connection with the Dutch state visit earlier this month.

As previously reported by Life Science Sweden, Swedish and Dutch players in life science signed agreements on Wednesday last week. The signing of the agreements took place at Scilifelab in Solna and was witnessed by the Ministers for Education of both countries.

Alongside here, you can see photos from the ceremony, which took place in connection with the state visit of the Dutch royal couple, and the Swedish royal couple was also present at Scilifelab.

Four agreements were signed:

  • Lund University and Skåne University Hospital signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Leiden University Medical Center.
  • Uppsala-based company Scandinavian CRO signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Dutch Cardialysis.
  • Uppsala Clinical Research Center signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Dutch European Cardiovascular Research Institute.
  • Uppsala-based Clinical Trial Consultants signed a Letter of Intent with Dutch QPS.

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