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Sino Biological Europe GmbH

Global Leader in Recombinant Technology

Sino Biological is dedicated to providing the scientific community with high-quality recombinant protein and antibody reagents to promote life science research and drug discovery. 

With the largest validated recombinant protein bank (6,500+), a range of antigens are covered, including viral proteins, cytokines & growth factors, immune checkpoints, antigens for CAR-T cell therapy, biomarker proteins, as well as a collection of high-quality antibodies. 

Based on our rich experience and expertise, several robust recombinant protein expression platforms and antibody discovery methods have been established for customized contract research projects. 

Sino Biological Europe GmbH, located in Frankfurt with a local sales and service team as well as a protein inventory, provides its European customers with high-quality products and services with competitive lead times.

Sino Biological Europe GmbH
Düsseldorfer Str. 40
65760 Eschborn


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