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Lonza is a preferred global partner to the pharmaceutical, biotech and nutrition markets. We focus on enabling treatments that prevent illness and support healthier lifestyles. We optimize scientific innovation and manufacturing technology to enable our customers to serve their patients and consumers.

We provide a wide range of services and products from early phase discovery to custom development and manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients to innovative dosage forms for the pharma and consumer health and nutrition industries. Our scale and resources mean we can provide a one-stop solution for our customers to help people get well, feel well, and stay well. In 2022, we supported more than 825 preclinical and clinical small and large molecules, more than 195 commercial small and large molecules and produced around 250 billion capsules.

Founded in 1897 in the Swiss Alps, today, Lonza operates across five continents. With approximately 17,500 full-time employees, we comprise high-performing teams and individual talent that make a meaningful difference to our own business, as well as to the communities in which we operate. Our business benefits from global supply chains, but we have worked to maintain the agility to address marketplace needs on a local level.

A firm commitment to responsible business and sustainability underpins everything we do. Minimizing our impact on the environment, conserving energy and natural resources, and helping to improve life quality are all central to our culture. Lonza's Vision Zero initiative is a prime example, as we strive to achieve zero workplace accidents and injuries, zero environmental incidents, zero product transportation incidents and zero manufacturing process incidents. We work to attract and retain the best talent, to make a meaningful difference to our own business, as well as the communities in which we operate.

Lonza generated sales of CHF 6.2 billion with a CORE EBITDA of CHF 2.0 billion in Full-Year 2022. The Lonza shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange and Swiss Market Index (SMI). We also maintain a secondary listing on the SGX Singapore Exchange.

Münchensteinerstrasse 38
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