
The Future of Swedish & Danish Life Science

Plats: Scheelevägen 4, Lund, Sweden (Medicon Village)
Datum: 15 maj > 15. maj 2025

The Future of Swedish & Danish Life Science is the largest of our annual events, with up to 500 delegates. It is a collaboration between Life Science Sweden, Medicon Village, and Medicon Valley Alliance.

This is an open door event that takes a broad perspective on the current challenges for the Swedish and Danish life science and healthcare sectors. It features a highly topical seminar programme, pre-bookable one-on-one partnering meetings, excellent facilities for informal networking, as well as a lively exhibition where local as well as global organizations are represented. These four core elements run in parallel in order to guarantee our visitors an energetic full-day experience, designed to inspire, spread knowledge and promote new and important collaborations.
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