Artiklar per år
Pharma Outsourcing igång på Stockholm Waterfront
Rätt läkemedel till rätt patient – ett paradigmskifte på väg
Ett nytt sätt att se på läkemedel mot cancer har gjort sitt intåg – läkemedel som förskrivs vid en viss genmutation istället för vid en viss cancersjukdom. Det nya synsättet har flera fördelar, men ställer höga krav på sjukvården och på tillgången till medicinteknisk diagnostik.
The Oresund region aims at becoming Europe’s microbiome Mecca
The Medicon Valley Alliance’s ambition: Skåne and the Copenhagen region will become world leaders in microbiome research.
Sweden and Denmark – this is how they choose their strategies
Scandinavia’s two major powers in pharmaceutical research have developed strategies for growth in life science, and both countries aim to become world leaders.
Anna Törner: You won’t find this many Concorde projects anywhere else
"Suddenly Concorde projects seem reasonable in life science because it´s about life and death", writes Anna Törner in a column.
MVA:s CEO: “Our investments should improve people´s everyday lives”
Involuntary infertility and diabetes are two of the areas on the agenda of the Medicon Valley Alliance.
Anna Törner: Never let me go – är vi redan där?
Vad kan tillåta oss inom modern genteknologi, och vad exakt är det som gör vissa tankar oacceptabla? Anna Törner skriver i sin krönika om en tankeväckande dystopi – och vår syn på individens värde.
Lif vill ha "nationell ingång" för hälsodata även i Sverige
Sverige behöver förbättra tillgängligheten till hälsodata för forskning och innovation, anser branschorganisationen Lif, som tycker att vi borde snegla mot våra nordiska grannar för inspiration.
Norway finds its path in life science
The life science sector in Norway is on the rise.
Marie Gårdmark: Big data evidence generation drives change in the EU regulatory system
Rapid developments in technology have led to the possibility for the generation and analysis of vast volumes of data. Will the availability of big data lead to fundamental changes to the regulatory system? In a column Marie Gårdmark, CEO and Senior Consultant at RegSmart Life Science, develops her views on this subject.
Column: Why there cannot be a complete cure for cancer – but there is certainly another way!
"Is there a new way we need to be thinking about how to prevent cancer?" Lucy Robertshaw reflects upon which is the smartest way to beat cancer.
Björn Arvidsson: Let's build on the positive momentum
Progress needs narratives and heroes, and more than ever, going into the new year feels like an opportunity for a fresh start.
Column: Repurposing as a golden ticket to approval
"Hopefully, in the end, patients will be winners by receiving on-label treatments for which benefit-risk has been properly assessed." In a column Marie Gårdmark, CEO at RegSmart Life Science, reflects on drug repurposing.
Samuel Lagercrantz: Collaboration and joint efforts are the key to success
Although many questions about Covid-19 remain unanswered, the development of drugs and vaccines has been incredibly rapid, writes Samuel Lagercrantz, Life Science Sweden´s Editor-in-Chief, in an editorial.
Column: "Are we already living in the new normal?"
2020 felt like the year that we were building the house around us whilst moving into it at the same time.