
The Swedish government is to increase its investment in cancer care

The Swedish government wants to invest more in cancer and paediatric cancer care and proposes to allocate SEK 500 million per year for this purpose in the coming years.

“Cancer care and paediatric cancer care are a high priority for the government, and updating the national cancer strategy is an important step in this increased ambition. In parallel with this, the government will continue to make targeted investments in specific focus areas. Active handovers between paediatric cancer care and adult cancer care should be a matter of course, waiting times in cancer care should be shortened, and collaboration and follow-up in rehabilitation care should be strengthened,” says the Minister for Health, Acko Ankarberg Johansson (KD), in a press release.

The government has already introduced initiatives to improve cancer care. The increased ambitions aim to reduce waiting times and improve rehabilitation care, among other things.

The national cancer strategy will now also be reviewed and updated to meet future challenges, says the government in a press release.

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