Artiklar per år
New diagnostic test soon ready for the market
"Imponerande kraftsamling gav vaccin"
Det rekordsnabba framtagandet av nya vaccin under pandemin visar vad läkemedelsindustrin – och mänskligheten – kan åstadkomma när pressen är tillräckligt stor.
"Konsulter ger oss nya perspektiv"
Pernilla Sandwall, Chief Operating Officer på Index Pharmaceutcals, berättade på Life Science Swedens event Pharma Outsourcing om bolagets modell för outsourcing.
Målsättningen är att göra skillnad!
Hallengren tar plats i global grupp mot antibiotikaresistens
Socialministern en av 26 ledamöter i gruppen.
Lucy Robertshaw: There is a bio revolution happening right now
Lucy Robertshaw is both proud and excited to be taking the baton of moderating this year’s Pharma Outsourcing event.
Combining two drug delivery strategies to improve bioavailability
Danish researchers hope to increase the bioavailability of low solubility drugs.
Delivering drugs with small devices
There are many challenges to overcome when delivering a drug orally. Getting the drug to survive the low pH of the ventricle and being released at the correct site in the gastrontestinal tract are two of them.
Sverige stöttar danskt initiativ om hormonstörande ämnen
En dansk myndighet har skapat ett webbplats där kunskap om hormonstörande ämnen ska samlas in. Flera EU-länder ansluter sig till initiativet.
Swedish Healthtech Company 1928 Pushing Forward
The full service analytics platform is expanding the business.
Giulia Gaudenzi: ”Key lessons from global health research”
The world will still face major challenges in the post Covid-19 pandemic, writes Giulia Gaudenzi at the KTH Division of Nanobiotechnology at Scilifelab, in a column.
Helena Strigård: The rise of the community
Sweden Bio´s CEO is looking back at the last decade of development in the industry. Something has shifted in the interdependence between small and larger companies.
Pilots want to live too
Krönika: Collaboration across borders
Swedish and Danish Life Science – are there still untapped synergies?
not be better. A one-day conference on ongoing collaborations, new directions and required future investment will held on April 2nd at Medicon Village in Lund.
Upcoming event: New updates on drugs
At Medicon Valley Alliance venues in Copenhagen/Örestad April 1 2020 the meeting New updates in Drug Formulation & Bioavailability takes place for the for the eighth time.
A world-class research village
Eight years ago, Medicon Village was set up in Lund. Since then, this hub for research, innovation and business has developed enormously, and today the life science village is home to over 150 organisations, employing more than 2,200 people.
Krönika: Can regulators keep up with innovation?
New technology has increased the understanding of disease mechanisms and enabled approval of products targeting small but specific patient populations; sometimes referred to as precision medicine. Gene- and cell therapies have reached the market, exemplified by CAR-T cells, and the research pipeline is promising. In addition, the medical device field is constantly growing creating new solutions to address patient needs.
Astra satsar en miljard dollar på minskade utsläpp
Astrazeneca satsar en 1 miljard dollar på att eliminera koldioxidutsläppen från den globala verksamheten till 2025 och säkerställa att hela värdekedjan är koldioxidnegativ till 2030.
Brexit looking back and looking forward
More than 3 years have passed after the vote and there is still uncertainty around the outcome although the UK December 12 election set a clearer course towards an exit early 2020.