Roche sänker budet på Genentech
I juli ifjol var budet 89 dollar per aktie. Då sa Genentechs styrelse nej tack. Nu meddelar läkemedelsjätten att man sänker budet och vänder sig direkt till småägarna.
Sophion etablerar sig i Japan
Öppnar nytt sälj och supportkontor som ska ledas av en ledande japansk elektrofysiolog.
Danska elitforskare belönas
Totalt 45 forskare får dela på 12 miljoner vid årets utdelning av det danska Eliteforskpriset. Ett av årets stora EliteForskpris går till en ung hjärnforskare s...
Chr. Hansen köper underlivshälsa
Nio studer har bevisat att Urex kan minska risken för underlivsinfektioner hos kvinnor. Nu flyttas det kanadensiska bolagets verksamhet till Köpenhamn.
Lunds nya rektor har tillträtt
Nu är han på plats. Vinnovas förre generaldirektör tar över rodret vid Lunds universitet.
Carl Borrebaeck blir vicerektor i Lund
Universitetsledningen i Lund förstärks med tre nya vicerektorer. Dessutom blir det en extra satsning på ledarskap, lärarskap och innovationer.
Grönt ljus för Getinges bolagsköp
Medicinteknikföretaget Getinge har fått godkännande från den amerikanska konkurrensmyndigheten Federal Trade Commission, FTC för köpet av bolaget Datascope Corp...
Han blir Alphahelix nya VD
Bolagets tidigare teknikchef tar ett steg upp.
Elekta säljer cancerteknik till Ryssland
Två ledande cancerkliniker i Moskva och Sibirien får Rysslands mest avancerade system för strålterapi.
Major changes to the Q-Med board
The nomination committee wants to replace half of the existing board, including the current Chairman. An Extraordinary General Meeting will take place on February 4.
Swedish top scientists to EMBO
Two Swedish top scientists will have a really good chance to influence European life science research from now on. One is from the Karolinska Institutet, and on...
Faster sales but less profits for Probi
The probiotic company increases its turnover, and the net results are twice as large as last year.
Symphogen buys tumor blocking technology
The seller is a pioneer in developing ligand traps to treat cancer and other diseases. "An excellent fit with our scientific and strategic focus," said Kirsten ...
Athera signs production partnership
The companys novel cardiovascular product will be manufactured in Germany.
Teams up with leading dermatologist
Tripep has signed a letter of intent with a major Japanese specialty pharma company to bring their wound healing treatment to a big market.
Go ahead for leg wound study
Tripep starts a phase II-study of their wound healing joint venture project.
First ever study of human stem cell treatment
The FDA says yes to the world's first study in man of a human embryonic stem cell based therapy to treat spinal injury.
Test if you carry the fat virus
In a soon future there may be a quick and simple test that could show if you are infected with Ad-36, a human adenovirus that can make you over-weight.
Re-painting the big pig-ture
Why do tame pigs show such variety in colouring, when their wild relatives are so plain? Swedish researchers know who is to blame. But the big question is why.
Pfizer lays a chunky bid on Wyeth
The merger of two pharma giants is the largest industry deal so far this year. Pfizer will acquire Wyeth in a cash-and-stock transaction currently valued at app...
New study of toxins and heart disease
Is there a correlation between exposure to hormone interfering environmental toxins and increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease? A new patient study...
Lundbeck divests companies
The company sells all shares in one listed company plus divests four small private equity funds, for a three-figured million sum.
Grant for development projects in Gothenburg
Seven research projects receive SEK 1 million to promote commercialization of early drug development and medical technology.
Success fee to Bioinvent and partner
The cancer collaboration started last year. After successful technology transfer the two partner companies now receives 5 million euro from pharma giant Roche.