Positiva fas II-resultat för Biovitrum
Preparatet Kiobrina påvisar en förbättring av tillväxthastigheten hos för tidigt födda barn när det ges i modersmjölkersättning, jämfört med placebo.
Hey there Summer Eriksson......
.....biomedical analysist at Akademsika sjukhuset in Uppsala. Why are you here at Biotech Forum and Scanlab?
Startskott för årets mässor
I onsdags slogs portarna upp till 2009 års upplaga av Biotech Forum och Scanlab. - Det är något färre besökare än vanligt men väldigt bra stämning, säger Kim Li...
Rapid and thorough homogenization of samples
MP Biomedicals presents the Fasprep-24 instrument, a new high-throughput model of the earlier Bio 101 Systems Fastprep homogenizer.
Filter tips for safer pipetting and better accuracy
Biohit has launched new Safetyspace Filter Tips that have more space between the sample and the filter than conventional filter tips usually have.
Multilabel plate readers with luminescence capability
The Enspire Multilabel Plate Reader platform from Perkin Elmer now features sensitive luminescence detection. The new detection capability is primarily aimed at...
Clinical trials in large scale to Stockholm
Karolinska Trial Alliance, KTA, will open a medical clinical for clinical trials in Phases II-IV. The clinic will be able to accommodate up to 150 patients per ...
Cell incubator with built-in microscope
InCu-view live is an incubator from Sanyo for cell or embryo culture with documentation functionality.
Definite answer with new cancerous gene
A newly discovered cancer gene is enabling the diagnosis of adenoid cystic caranoima using a genetic test.
Changeable proteins cause nerve disease
An incorrectly folded protein is one of the reasons behind the nerve disease ALS, according to new research. But the protein does not have structural errors all...
VTT in brief
VTT is a broad science cluster with research within applied materials, chemical and biochemical processes, energy, industrial systems management, information an...
Relax at the After Fair
Round off the first day of the fair by visiting the After Fair. You can reload with entertainment from talented artists such as Patrik Isaksson, The Gentlemen a...
Discovery of new role for leukemia gene
Martin Bergö and his colleagues have studied two gene variants that often occur in acute leukemias. One gene codes for the protein RAS, which accelerates cell d...
Partnering offer for scientists and medics
For the first time in the history of Biotech Forum, scientists and medics are invited to join the partnering event. I
New partnering platform
EBD Group's Partnering One is the new partnering platform for Biotech Forum 2009.
New type of stem cell discovered
The earlier view of the scientific community was that melanocytes, the pigment cells, derive from the spinal cord during the early fetal period and then move ov...
75 million for research schools
Gothenburg University, Karolinska Institutet, Linköping University and Umeå University have received SEK 75 million from the Research Council. The money will be...
Oslo Cancer Cluster
Cancer is, of course, the focus for this Oslo-based cluster, which is solely dedicated to cancer treatment and diagnostics. Oslo cancer cluster is also a part o...
Tikomed får gräddfil
Amerikanska FDA har beviljat särläkemedelsstaus, Orphan drug designation, för Tikomeds preparat Ibsolvmir. Beslutet innebär att utvecklingen av substansen komme...
Reumatolog prisas för SLE-forskning
Lars Rönnblom har tilldelats årets Wyethpriset för sin forskning om interferon och dess betydelse för förståelsen av Systemisk Lupus Erythematosus, SLE. Priset ...
Nanotechforskare får proof of concept-bidrag
Winnie E. Svendsen är en av sex forskare vid Danmarks Tekniska Universitet, DTU, som får dela på 5,4 miljoner svenska kronor från the Proof-of-Concept Fund.
De får uppfinningsstipendium
Årets innovationsstipendiater från Stockholms stad är nu utsedda. Sju projekt får stöd i år, varav fyra inom life science-området.
Stockholm-Uppsala life science cluster in brief
Stockholm-Uppsala evolves around the research at Karolinska Institutet and Uppsala University. Typical areas of research are protein research, neuroscience and cancer.
Hey Klementina Österberg ...
... CEO at GU Holding, which awards SEK 120, 000 to three female entrepreneurs.